

There were many articles that I’ve read throughout the semester and many of them focus on LGBTQ. I wrote a response to the question that was posted in the blog and placed an analysis from what I read in the article.

In the course, I also had to buy a book called “Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars: A Trans Girl’s Confabulous Memoir” by Kai Cheng Tom. The book revolves around a Chinese girl who was once a boy and tries to find a place where she belongs.


For this course, I had posted all of my Labor Logs and responses to the Blog site in the Commons Website. Soon my professor created a Google Drive folder so that it’ll be easier to send in our files and have a more organized structure of where all our work is. Blackboard usually isn’t used for the course, but emails from the professors can generally be seen from there. I usually use Microsoft Word to write down my responses but I also use Google Drive and PowerPoint.



Every week there will be a Labor Log due and I usually just write the things I did each day, mostly about what homework I was doing and how tired I feel most of the time. For the Labor Logs, I placed down the date as if it were my own journal and wrote down the things I did each day no matter how bland it may seem.

Throughout the term, I did about two projects. For each project, I had to create my own topic that I found interesting and write about it. The first project, where the image is provided, was just a draft of how I was going to answer the forms about the treatment LGBTQ people had to experience. The second project was a PowerPoint, which was a form that I had chose to create for it, and my topic had been about the 1920s – 1930s gender, sexuality, and how society responded towards it.


I used outside sources in order to acquire information about my projects. I was able to use a lot of images and links to create the structure of my topic. The images show the bulleted list of information that I would use for my project with the website link. There were also some images that I wanted to use, but some didn’t make it into the final project.